Change the Primary Teacher

Video: Change Primary Teacher

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Primary Teachers are the owners of the classroom, as well as the class Google Drive folder. Also, the primary teacher is the only one who can accept the provisioned classes. Primary teachers can be managed via individual classroom or bulk action.

Single Class: Changing a Primary Teacher

To change a primary teacher, start in the Explorer:

  1. Click Explorer in the navigation pane at the left.
  2. Search and select the classes you want to change.
  3. Right-click over the class.
  4. Click Teacher actions.
  5. Click Change the primary teacher.
    ChangePrimaryTeacher.gifThe Change primary teacher stepper opens.

Bulk Classes: Changing A Primary Teacher

To bulk change a primary teacher, start in the Explorer:

  1. Search and select the classes you want to change.
  2. Click Teachers at the top left of the page.
  3. Click Change primary teacher for # selected classes.
    ChangePrimaryTeacherMultiple.gifThe Change primary teacher stepper opens.

Change Primary Teacher Stepper

  1. Confirm classes you want to change by selecting the class again.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Enter the new teacher's name, and select the account when it populates.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. You can choose to notify the new teacher and customize the message.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Proceed to make the changes.

Note: Each new teacher must accept the class for the transfer to be complete.

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/27/2024 Added animated GIFs
1.1 7/24/2024 Reverify


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