Editing Device Information in the Web App

Gopher for Chrome > Utilities > Access Web app > Device Search ~ [search] ~ [ click to view device]

Some of the information is editable after searching for and viewing device info. These editable fields can still be updated while working in the Sheet, but it is more convenient to make updates here if you are already in the Web app.

Moving the Device Between Orgs

You can edit the device's org location or move the device from the Device Info page:

  1. In the device chip at the top right of the Basic Info tab, click the Edit icon.
  2. Edit the Organizational Unit as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Editing the Custom Fields on the Basic Info Tab

Beyond the Organizational Unit, there are several editable device fields. Here is how you update those.

  1. From Basic Information, click the edit icon the top right of the Basic Info tab
  2. Change the necessary fields.
    Change StatusIf the device's current status is Active, the field drop-down lets you change the status to Disable or Deprovision. When Deprovisioning a device, select a deprovision reason and click OK. See below for full steps.
    Annotated Asset IDThe asset identifier as noted by an administrator or specified during enrollment.
    Maximum length is 200 characters. Can be empty.
    Annotated UserThe user of the device as noted by the administrator. 
    Maximum length is 100 characters. It can be empty.
    Annotated LocationThe address or location of the device as noted by the administrator. 
    Maximum length is 200 characters. It can be empty.
    Organization UnitThis field lets you move the device by changing the OU.
    NotesThis field lets you record your actions—for example, the OU previous OU and the reason for moving a device.
    Maximum length is 500 characters. Empty values are allowed.
  3. Click Save.

Changing Device Status

You can change the device status from the web app, Basic info tab.

  1. Device current status appears in the device chip at the top right of the page. To change it click the Edit icon at the top of the Basic Info tab.
  2. If the device's current status is Active, the field drop-down lets you change the status to Disable or Deprovision. Select a status. DeviceStatusChange1.png
  3. When Deprovisioning a device, select a deprovision reason and click OK. DeviceStatusChange2.png
  4. Click Proceed at the prompt to agree to the change. DeviceStatusChange3.png
Document VersionDateDescription of Change
1.01/9/2024Updated for clarity and single point edit, verified article


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