Archived User Licenses, Are They Available for Google Workspace Education Accounts?

No. The Archived User license type allows businesses to retain data of former employees at a reduced license price. Archived User licenses are only available for these editions:

  • Enterprise Plus
  • Enterprise Standard
  • Business Plus

Google Workspace for Education Best Practice

The best practice for the Google Workspace Education license is to suspend user accounts rather than delete them. When suspending a user account, removing their Education Standard, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, or Education Plus license is best practice. The license is then available for reuse. There is no need to remove Education Fundamentals licenses.

Having Google Vault setup allows you to determine which content the domain preserves. Then, it offers easy access to searched and exported data to ensure it meets your eDiscovery and compliance needs. Its goal is not to restore data quickly but to retain critical data in an organized way so that searching for specific information when it is needed becomes easier. For example, Vault becomes a valuable tool when administrators need to search for data related to litigations or regulatory compliance.

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 2/20/2024 Verified article.


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