General Terms and Icons
The following are available in the left navigation panel in Little SIS Premium Sync.
Note: The navigation panel will expand and collapse and expand as you mouse over it. To expand and lock the panel, Click the 9 box menu at the top left of the page and then click the menu button at the left.
Click the Job group to revel additional options; Roster sync jobs and Roster exceptions. |
Here is a list of your sync jobs. From here, you can:
A global list of individual users and email patterns not added or removed from a Classroom class during sync. Learn more. |
A global list of individual classes to exclude from sync jobs. You can save class exceptions on the fly while reviewing potential matches. Classroom exceptions are convenient, but you should use them sparingly. If you need to exclude many classes from a sync job, use job scope roles instead. Learn more. |
Click the Guardian group to revel additional options; Sync jobs and Explorer. |
An area where you can analyze guardians, refresh guardian-eligible students, and manage the guardian sync job. |
An area where you can load and explore Classroom classes, users, rosters, and assignment data for all classes on your domain. |
Lets teachers review SIS classes, including rosters, accept, decline, and merge their SIS classes, link SIS classes to an active Google Classroom class, and schedule Google Classroom provisioning. |
Click the Administration group to revel additional options; Settings and Getting Started. |
Settings helps you set up your Little SIS Premium account. The settings here are also available from the Getting Started stepper. |
Launches the Getting Started stepper which steps you through setting up your Little SIS Premium account. |
Click the Support group to revel additional options; Help Center, Contact Support, and Feedback. |
Provides access to the CDW Amplified for Education Help Center for Little SIS Premium. |
Launches the Submit a Ticket form. |
Launches the Feature Request page within the Labs Club. |
Job Card Icons
Jobs > Roster Sync Jobs
The following icons appear in the lower-left corner of Roster Sync job cards. They help identify, at a glance, a job's automation setting and whether teacher review is enabled.
Fully automated | Represents a fully automated roster sync job. | |
Automated Analysis | Represents an automated analysis roster sync job. | |
Manually Triggered | Represents a manual roster sync job. | |
Teacher Review Enabled | Represents a job that has teacher review enabled. |
Review & Action Terms and Icons
Jobs > Roster Sync Jobs > Review & Action
Below are the terms and icons admins will see when performing Review & Action for a sync job. A sync analysis compares the SIS classes and rosters in a job to the current state in Google Classroom and makes recommendations. Admins can review these recommendations via Review & Actions and stage and commit actions in Classroom. During Review & Action, admins can perform several distinct action types, which are listed below.
Note: If using Teacher Review, some action types will not be seen by admins since teachers are actioning classes themselves.
New class to be created |
Selecting this action creates an invitation to teach a Classroom class (a.k.a. a PROVISIONED class). This invitation will be visible on the Teacher's Classroom home screen. It will be visible to students once the teacher clicks Accept and the class becomes ACTIVE. If the teacher chooses to click Decline for the class, the class will enter the DECLINED state. |
Class to be updated |
When selected, the roster or a field within Classroom is changed, depending on the job settings. You can preview the specific changes in the sync analysis interface. |
Class Changes |
This icon indicates a class change. Admins can review changes and approve or exclude classes from sync. |
Class exception to be saved |
In Class Changes, if you select a class and click Exclude and Stage Class Exception, the class moves to Staged Action and displays this icon. Once committed and the sync job runs, the class appears in Excluded Classes in Review & Action. During this and future syncs, the class will not change in Classroom. |
Link to existing class |
If the analysis detects candidate matches in Classroom, you can establish a link to the existing class. This link ensures that the roster syncs for that class in the future. Linking a class may also add/remove students during the sync. This change happens when the teacher's current roster and Classroom roster differ. |
Class to be excluded for this sync |
This option is available when reviewing candidate matching classes in Classroom. It can be helpful if decision-making information is lacking, as it gives you the option to re-evaluate in later analysis. |
Document Version | Date | Description of Change |
1.0 | 4/17/2024 | Added menu lock animated GIF, Added full menu image, verified article. |