Change Management and One-Page Resources

For Little SIS Premium adoption to have the greatest impact in your school(s), use the following recommendations and email templates in your change management plan.

Change Management Recommendations

  • Collaborate closely with instructional leadership: A technology team should not adopt Little SIS Premium without strong collaboration with instructional leadership and/or the tech integration team.
  • Nail it before you scale it: We designed Little SIS Premium to be pilot-friendly. By selectively excluding courses, schools, or teachers from your exports or by imposing inclusion and exclusion rules within the Little SIS Sync Premium interface, you can start with a smaller group of teachers and work your way up to the full-scale implementation. We recommend this approach!
  • Build change champions: Get your go-getter teachers on board from day one. Google Classroom should already be in used some classrooms. These teachers are your best spokespeople for getting broader buy-in. Ask these teachers to be part of your pilot group. Build their profiles by giving them leadership opportunities in your Classroom training plan.
  • Communicate early and often with participating teachers: Let teachers know what Little SIS Premium is, the rationale for its adoption, and how they should expect their Classroom classes to behave differently based on your chosen Little SIS Premium setup.
  • Manual before automated: Job setup errors, data export errors, or student scheduling errors could create changes in Classroom that impact many users. Automating too soon could be disruptive if you don’t catch these before they run.

One-Pagers for Teachers

Let your teachers know what's coming. We have put together email templates for admins to send to their teachers regarding Little SIS Premium and Teacher Review. Use the links below to make a copy and customize the one-pagers for your district's use. 

For schools that are NOT using Teacher Review: Teacher Email Template - Little SIS Premium

For schools that ARE using Teacher Review: Teacher Email Template - About Teacher Review

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/30/2024 Reverify


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