Little SIS Premium End-Of-Year Rollover Best Practices

Little SIS admins must complete a few essential tasks as the school year ends to ensure a smooth transition from one academic year to another. This article walks through key admin tasks to perform at the close of the school year. By following these guidelines, you can prepare Little SIS/Little SIS Premium for the summer break and be ready for a fresh start in the upcoming academic year.

In this article you will learn how to:

For those admins using Little SIS Premium there is an additional end-of-year step:

Bulk Archiving Active Classes

As the school year concludes, it's a good practice to review and archive classes that are no longer in use. Archiving these classes declutters the Classroom homepage for teachers, co-teachers, and students and provides a clean slate for the upcoming year.

To bulk archive classes in Little SIS, you can:

  • Use Bulk archive classes from the Bulk Actions menu at the top.
  • Filter Explorer for ACTIVE classes and use Change classroom state from the Bulk Actions menu at the top

See Bulk archive classes

Bulk Deleting Provisioned and Declined Classes

Provisioned class: A class that was created for the teacher and the teacher has never accepted or declined the class.

Declined class: A class that was provisioned and then declined by the teacher. 

To bulk delete classes in Little SIS, you can: 

  • Use Bulk Classroom Cleanup > Bulk delete classes from the Bulk Actions menu at the top.
  • Filter Explorer for PROVISIONED or DECLINED classes and use Change classroom state from the Bulk Actions menu at the top

See Bulk delete classes

Avoiding Orphaned Classes - Transferring Ownership Before Deleting Users

When deleted users own Google Classroom classes, those classes are effectually orphaned and there is not many actions that can be taken to remedy the situation. This is especially problematic if there are still students in the class, as they can continue to interact with one another unsupervised if the class is set to allow students to post to the stream. This is why we always recommend transferring ownership of all Google Classroom classes prior to deleting a teacher account.

You may choose to transfer these classes to a service account or to another user in the domain, like the teacher taking over for the one who has left the district. Regardless, keep in mind that transferring ownership acts as an invitation, and the new teacher must accept that invitation before you delete the primary owner’s account in order to avoid orphaned classes. Many districts choose to simply suspend teachers rather than deleting them right away, which would still allow the classes that they own to be transferred to another user. In addition, the primary owner is retained as a co-teacher in the Classroom, and the new owner can later remove them.

In Little SIS for Classroom, you can identify classes that need to be transferred by filtering to the Primary Teacher in the Explorer, and then use the Bulk Actions > Teacher actions menu to change the primary teacher of all these classes. Little SIS can optionally send the former owner a message alerting them to the change – the new owner will receive a message from Google Classroom, prompting them to log in to Classroom and accept ownership of these classes.

Note: Only active classes can have their ownership changed, and the new owner will show up as a co-teacher in the tool until they have accepted the invitation to take ownership of the class.


Additional Step for Little SIS Premium, Disable Scheduled Roster Sync Jobs

After setting up a roster sync job, you can run it manually or enable the job to run automatically. Automated jobs should be disabled at the end of the school year.

Disable a Scheduled Sync Job

  1. Open Little SIS Premium.
  2. Using the left navigation pane, go to Jobs, then Roster sync jobs.
  3. In the list of jobs, locate the job to disable.
  4. Set the Enable Job toggle to OFF.

See Enable and disable a roster sync job

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/13/2024 Remove blank line
1.1 3/22/2024 Added GIFs and updated Classroom image for new navigation
1.2 6/19/2024 Revised after summerfest
1.3 7/15/2024 Reverified


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