Best Practices for District-Wide Rollout

We recommend schools and districts pilot Little SIS Premium before a large-scale rollout. The summer months are a great time to work out the kinks that would arise during a pilot, namely, data cleanliness and change management. The advantages to rolling out Little SIS Premium during the summer are the creation of Classroom classes for all your teachers and the lessened chance that teachers have already created classes that you will need to manually link to in the interface. 

Getting started with a large scale roll-out of Little SIS Premium

After installing Little SIS Premium, you should create the Jobs you will run throughout the school year.

Before setting up Jobs, we recommend bulk-archiving all previous year's classes. This ensures that the teachers' and the students' views of the Classroom only contain information relevant to the current school year. You can find out more about bulk-archiving classes here

Communicating to Your Teachers

We recommend informing your teachers about the changes they can expect as you roll out Little SIS Premium. Further information about change management is available here.

Additionally, we have a teacher email template available here

Setting up Jobs for a Full Year Deployment

It is a best practice to set up your jobs in a way that makes sense for your school or district. Smaller independent schools may find that jobs by grade level or term make the most sense. A small to medium-sized district might want to break up their Jobs per school site and term. A larger district might still find site-level jobs helpful. However, large schools may wish to organize their jobs into larger chunks, like elementary, middle, and high, to ease the setup process. But why wouldn't you want all your sites in one Job, you ask?

The more Jobs you create, the more granular control you have over their contents. This includes class naming conventions and automation settings. For example, you may want to include a class period number in your middle school and high school class names. But for Elementary school, you may only want to include the grade and the teacher's name. Creating separate jobs for each will let you account for the difference. 

You can learn more about creating Jobs here

Blocking Teachers From Knowing Students Enrolled in Their Classes

You can create classes without enrolling students. Teachers can still build out their course content in Classroom but cannot see enrolled students. You can push that information out when you are ready to reveal students to the teachers.

Within the Job settings, navigate to Update Preferences. The Roster Updates tab opens by default. Here, you can deselect the Add and Remove checkboxes. This allows you to provision Classroom classes for your teachers without letting them or students know who is in which class. When you are ready to push the students out, return to the job settings and reselect the checkboxes on the Roster Updates tab.

Step 5 Roster Updates (1).png

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/13/2024 Removed reference to install requirements


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