Stage Guardians and Run Guardian Sync

Once you've set up guardian sync, you can run the sync analysis and update invitations. Let's take a look at what happens during analysis. Guardian eligible students are cross-reference against existing invitations and the CSV file. Comparison of this information shows which, if any, invitations need to be sent or withdrawn depending on your settings. Remember, the CSV file is the data source you provided to the sync job.

To analyze and sync guardians:

  1. Access Little SIS for Classroom.
  2. Click the 9 box menu at the top left of the page.
  3. Click Sync.
  4. In the left navigation pane, click Guardians then Sync Job.
  5. Click Run Sync Analysis on in the Guardian Sync Job card. AnalyzeGuardian (1).png
  6. When the analysis finishes, click Review & Action on the Guardian Sync Job card. The page opens to staged actions.
  7. Select all or specific guardians to update. run_selected_actions.png
  8. Click Run # Selected Actions
  9. At the summary popup, review the actions and click Confirm. ConfirmGuardiaActions.svg

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/22/2024 Added animated GIF
1.1 7/30/2024 Reverify


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