Unconfigure OAuth Apps with Bulk Update List

This article provides essential insights and step-by-step instructions for administrators needing to bulk update app access within Google Workspace for Education.

Here are some scenarios where you'd want to use bulk update app access to unconfigure apps:

  • Administrators often grapple with the limitations imposed by the 15,000 configured apps limit in the Google Workspace for Education domain.  
  • Organizations may be burdened with numerous apps automatically configured as Limited, leading to potential access and management complexities.
  • Apps configured at sub-OUs can result in policy inheritance issues and administrative challenges. Admins may seek to centralize configurations at higher-level OUs for better control.

How does it work

The Bulk Update List unconfigures OAuth apps through a CSV file, rather than directly in the Admin console.

The Steps

Download List of Accessed Apps

Modify the List of Apps

Upload the List of Apps

Verify the Updated Access

Download List of Accessed Apps

  1. Navigate to App Access Control.
    Security > Access and data control > API controls ~ Manage Google services
  2. In the Accessed apps card at the top, click View list. UpdateOAuthViewList2.png
  3. At the top of the list, click Bulk Update list.
  4. In the popup, click Download accessed apps.
  5. When the file finishes, click Download CSV at the top right of the page.
  6. Select a location  to save to and add a File name for the file. 
  7. Open the downloaded file. 

Modify the List of Apps

  1. In the CSV, remove the rows for the apps that you will not change.
  2. In the Access column, change the access to unconfigured.
  3. Save the CSV.

Upload the List of Apps

  1. Return to the Admin console tab.
  2. At the top of the Accessed apps list, click Bulk Update list again.
  3. At the bottom of the pop up, click Attach CSV file.
  4. Navigate to the CSV file location and select the file.
  5. Click Open. The file shows as an attachment in the popup.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. At the prompt, click Confirm.
  8. A message at the top right of the page shows progress then completion of the upload.

Verify the Updated Access

To verify access is changed:

  1. In the Accessed apps list, filter the access apps by an app name.
  2. View the Access column for the apps current status.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 12/16/2024 Reverified


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