Update Chrome From the Chrome Settings Page

When the device's version of Chrome is out of date, you'll see the Let's Update Chrome/Fix It notification.

Clicking I got it/fix it from the extension automatically opens the Chrome settings page specifically for checking updates. 

  1. Chrome will automatically check for updates. If there's an update available, you'll see an option to Update Google Chrome. If there's no update available, you'll see a message stating that Chrome is up to date.
  2. Click on the Update Google Chrome button if it appears.
  3. Chrome will begin downloading and installing the update. After updating, you might see a prompt to relaunch.
  4. If prompted, click on the Relaunch button to restart Chrome with the latest updates applied.
  5. That's it! You'll see a message stating that Chrome is up to date with the version.

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 4/24 Original article publish


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