Managing Early Access Apps and Additional Google Services

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Google is updating how Early Access apps transition to Additional Google Services, with significant changes coming into effect on July 30, 2024. Traditionally, when an Early Access app moved to an Additional Google Service, it automatically turned ON or OFF based on your new services preference in the Admin console. This transition occurred even if the Early Access app setting was set to ON for everyone.

With the new update, if you have an Early Access app service set to ON, you will maintain access to the app when it becomes an Additional Google Service, irrespective of your new service preferences. The only exception is if both settings configurations are OFF; in that case, the app will be disabled.

This update is crucial to understand, as it affects how resources are managed and transitioned within Google Workspace. It's essential to be aware of the potential vulnerabilities, configurations, and business processes to consider when enabling Early Access Apps or Additional Google Services for your users.

Early Access Configuration New Service Configuration New Application Access
ON ON Enabled
ON OFF Enabled







We recommend turning this setting ON for appropriate staff via a group or Organizational Unit (OU). This approach allows these individuals to test new features before rolling them out to end users, ensuring a smoother transition and minimizing disruption.

In this article you will learn how to change the settings for:

Early access apps

New product preferences

Admin Console Setting - Early Access Apps

Navigation Path:

Apps > Additional Google services > Settings for Early Access Apps ~ Service Status

  1. Go to the Additional Google Services page.
  2. In the list of settings, click on Early Access Apps.
  3. Click on the Service status card.EarlyAccessAppsSetting.png
  4. Select the appropriate Group or OU in the left panel.
  5. Select On as the Service status.
  6. At the confirmation prompt, read the text for Early Access Apps.
  7. Check the I have read and agree to the above checkbox.
  8. Click Turn On.

Admin Console Setting - New Products Preference

Navigation Path:

Account > Account settings > Preferences ~ New products

  1. Go to the Account Settings page.
  2. In the list of settings, click on the Preferences card.
  3. Hover over and click edit for the New Products setting.
  4. Select an option; Turned on when released or Turned off when released.
  5. Click Save.


New services preference
Early Access apps service status


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 8/12/2024 Original publish

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