Why Am I Being Asked by Gopher for Gmail to Uninstall the Google Workspace Marketplace App?

This article is only relevant if you are being prompted with the following in the Gopher for Gmail sidebar...


This means you installed Gopher for Gmail before late February 2019, and need to change the way the app is installed on your domain before you can use it again. The new installation approach, which involves adding a client ID and API scopes directly to your admin console, has two great advantages:

  1.  Your domain users will no longer see the Gopher for Gmail icon/launcher listed under the waffle icon in Google Workspace.  This was a problematic/unnecessary distraction for users and led them to an information page without adding any value.
  2. After Google changed the model for Add-ons publishing in mid-January 2019, you would have also seen the Gopher for Gmail Add-on listed in Sheets for all users, which is not appropriate.

Uninstalling Gopher for Gmail

  1. If you are logged in as a super administrator, the link provided from the Uninstall App button will take you to the Gopher for Gmail marketplace app listing in your admin console.  
  2. Clicking Remove app will uninstall it from your domain and remove it from the waffle for your users.

Once uninstall completes you can reinstall the Sheets add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace and perform the one-time client name and scopes installation for your domain. This article explains how to install.

Why is providing the client ID and API scopes in the Google Workspace admin console necessary?  Check out this article to learn more. 

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/23/2024 Andrea says, I'd keep it up until the end of the year cause i still see this pop up from time to time with customers, reverified


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