Investigation Tool Recipe: Classroom Log Events, Originality Report Created


You need to determine whether teachers and students are utilizing Originality reports and how frequently. With paid editions of Workspace, licensed users have unlimited Originality reports. Teachers and instructors may believe they are limited to 5. The limit is for unpaid editions. If usage is low, admins can send an email reminding teachers and instructors what they have with this feature. 

This investigation will include students in the results to see if students are running Originality reports before turning in assignments. 

In this example, we'll investigate who is using the Originality reports and the usage occurrences. 


  1. Open the Investigation Tool.
    Security > Security center > Investigation tool
  2. Search for or select from the drop-down Classroom  log events as your data source.
  3. Click Add Condition.
  4. Add the following condition:
    Event > is > Originality report created.
  5. Click Search. The results appear at the bottom of the page. Here, the results are a list of the run time and Actor for each run of the Originality report.
  6. Next we'll group the results to show the number of times each person on the list ran Originality reports. Click Group Results.
  7. From the Group results by list, select Actor
  8. Click Search
  9. Select the checkbox for one or more messages to take action on the events.
  10. If you are happy with the investigation you built and want to retain it, click Save Investigation, located on the right.

See our full list of Investigation tool recipes

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 1/13/2024 Original Publish



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