Review SIS Classes in Teacher Review

Once the Google Admin authenticates Little SIS Premium and sets up the roster sync job from their SIS, the teacher receives an email letting them know that they have assigned classes ready to be reviewed.  The email sends the teachers directly to Teacher Review where they can either accept, decline, merge or link with an active Google Classroom.

The email outlines how many classes have been assigned to a teacher in Teacher Review by navigating to

Note: Teachers need to review their classes on a device that is compatible with Little SIS Premium, which excludes tablets and mobile devices at this time. 

Once in Teacher Review, teachers will have visibility into their ASSIGNED Classes and their ACTIVE Google Classroom classes.

  • ASSIGNED Classes: Classes created from their SIS via the Little SIS Premium app.
  • ACTIVE Classes: Classes teachers created on their own or classes created earlier by Little SIS that are not yet archived.  The class card will indicate if the teacher is the primary or a co-teacher of the active course. 


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/17/2024 Reverified


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