Find and Download a List of Licensed Users

This article shows you how to filter for a list of your users who have a license. You can then download the list for further analysis or select users from the list to change their licensing. 

Pro Tip: Make sure the Licensing column is visible in your Users list for easy visibility. If not, add the column by selecting the gear icon at the top right and select Add new column, then License.
  1. Log into the Admin console.
  2. Navigate to the Users page.
    Main menu > Directory > Users
  3. In the All organizations panel at the left, select Users from all organizations.
  4. Click Add a filter.
  5. In the list of filters, choose Assigned License.
  6. Select the license type you want from the list and click Apply.

At this point, you can choose Download users to download the filtered list of users so that you can work with the data in a spreadsheet. Or, if you want to remove the license for some of the users, select the ones to change and follow these instructions.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 2/8/2024 Minor text changes and verified article


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