We've created the CDW Amplified for Education Help Center to be your resource center when you want to learn about new features or troubleshoot Google Workspace and CDW Amplified for Education tools.
Video: CDW Amplified for Education Help-Center-quick-tour
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Here are a few tips for getting started in the Help Center:
- Bookmark the Help Center: Create a bookmark or shortcut to go to the Help Center quickly. Click the CDW Amplified logo, then create the bookmark to bookmark the Home page.
- Search: Searching the Help Center is great for finding specific information.
- Create a Login: Use the Sign in button at the top-right of the page to sign up for a Help Center account. With an account, you can follow Help Center sections and receive a notification when we add new articles.
- Customize your profile: Once you sign in, click on your name at the top-right of the page, then click Edit my profile. From here, you can add or update your name, profile photo, email, and phone number.
- Follow a section: If you have signed up for a Help Center account, you can follow any section in the Help Center. When a new article gets added to any section you are following, you'll be notified via email.
Pro Tip: If you want to be notified when there is a new release for a tool, follow its What's new section page. When an article gets added with details for the release, you'll receive an email.
What's new in Google Workspace
What's new in Little SIS Premium
What's new in Little SIS for Classroom
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What's new in Gopher for Groups
What's new in Gopher for Gmail
What's new in Group Gator
What's new in Event-o-Matic
Document Version | Date | Description of Change |
1.0 | 1/8/2024 | Article verified |
1.1 | 1/20/2025 | Reverified |