Workspace for Education Webinars, Office Hours, and Training

Workspace Webinars and Office Hours from CDW Amplified for Education.

Customers who purchase Workspace from CDW Amplified for Education can come to office hours for a quick, specific skills training session followed by time for customer Q&A on any paid edition topic. Recordings are available to attendees and registrants after the sessions. Register to attend.

Customers who purchase Gemini for Education or Gemini for Education Premium from CDW Amplified for Education can come to office hours dedicated to Gemini. Register to attend.

Google also provides:

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 1/3/2024 Redirected links to Webinars and Office hours to CDW LMS
1.1 3/4/2024 Added a a period to the first sentence
1.2 5/17/2024 Added Gemini Office Hours text and link
1.3 7/1/2024 terminology to consulting
1.4 9/26/2024 Reverify, asked D. Stafford and K.Bush to review
1.5 10/29/2024 Changed article title


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