Work with the Audit Log

The Audit Log let you view actions performed within Little SIS for Classroom. Because you probably have numerous actions available, filtering options let you narrow the scope of the actions on the page. When filtering the Audit Logs consider:

  • Limiting the date range to 30 days or less.
  • Limiting the audit actions to include only those actions you are most concerned about.
  • Filtering the information as much as possible.

In this article, you’ll learn:

Accessing Audit Logs

To open the Audit Logs, do the following:

  1. From the Little SIS left menu, click Administration.
  2. Click Audit log.
# Operation Description
1 Filters Panel

The Filters panel is a menu that collapses or expands. When you open the Audit Log, the Filters panel is open/expanded by default. 

The default settings include no filters being preset and the page being set with the "all time" date range. You need to set filters each time you navigate to the Audit Logs.

To close the Filters panel, click the < (Carat) button. When closed, click the > (Carat) button again.

2 Audit Log content The Audit Log contains actions on your domain. Each action includes the Date Created, Type of action, Action specifics, User, and Details. 
3 Record count The record count shows the number of records viewed on the current page. It also includes the total number of records. Before filters are applied, the total is your complete set of actions. As filters are applied the total adjusts to indicate the number of records in the filtered set.
4 Page indicator The page indicator shows the page of the Audit Log you are viewing. It also includes the total number of pages. Click First, Previous, Next, or Last to move through the pages.


When you open the Audit Logs page, actions from your domain are included. Filtering lets you reduce the number of records included in the Audit Log. As you select filters, they automatically apply. You’ll see the number of records increase or decrease as you make or change your filter selections.

Filtering the Audit Logs

To filter the Audit Logs, do the following:

  1. Open the Audit Log. 
    Administration > Audit log
  2. Select a date filter.
    • In the Filters panel, click into the Select a date range field. The date range pop-up appears. 
    • Select a date range at the left of the calendar pop-up. Ranges include Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, and Last Month.
      Click on a date in each of the calendars to select a beginning and end date for the range.
    • Click OK. The date range appears in the date filter.
  3. Select action types.
    • Click in the Types filter. The list of types appears. 
    • Either scroll the list to locate the types or begin typing to filter the Types list.
    • Select the checkboxes for the types to include in the Audit Logs. As you make selections, the types appear in the Types filter.
  4. Select specific actions.
    • Click in the Actions filter. The list of actions appears.
    • Because the list of actions is long, begin typing the name of the action to filter the Actions list. As you type, the list narrows to include actions that contain the characters you typed.

      Note: You can also scroll through the list. 

    • Select the checkboxes for the actions to include in the Audit Logs. As you make selections, the actions appear in the Actions filter.
  5. Select specific users.
    • Click in the Users filter. The list of user emails appears.
    • Because the list may be long, begin typing the email of the user to include in the Audit Logs. As you type, the list narrows to include users whose emails contain the characters you typed.

      Note: You can also scroll through the list.

    • Select the checkboxes for the user to include in the Audit Logs. As you make selections, the user emails appear in the Users filter. 

If after filtering the Audit Logs you don’t see the information you need, you can adjust your filters. Remove and add different filter selections to reveal different information.  

Removing a Selected Date Filter

The date filter works a little differently than the other filters. You can’t click an x in the filter panel to remove it. 

  1. In the Filters panel, click into the Select a date range field. The date range pop-up appears. 
  2. Click the trashcan to clear the date range.

Viewing Audit Logs Details

The Details column contains information for each action. To see additional information, you can view details. 

To view details:

  1. Hover over the Details column for an action/row. 
  2. When it appears, click the View More button.
    The details popup appears. The information contained depends on the type of action you are viewing details.
  3. After viewing, click the X (Close) button to close the details pop up.

Actions Reported on Audit Logs

Below are the actions reported on the Audit Logs:

  1. log out
  2. login
  3. Failed to add % co-teacher
  4. Failed to add % student
  5. Failed to change the primary teacher
  6. Failed to delete classes
  7. Failed to join class as a co-teacher
  8. Failed to join class as a student
  9. Failed to remove % co-teacher
  10. Failed to remove % student
  11. Successfully archived classes
  12. Successfully set class tags
  13. Successfully set tags for classes
  14. Failed to update timeframes
  15. Successfully updated classes
  16. Successfully created collection
  17. Failed to update customer
  18. Successfully updated customer
  19. Successfully created access filter
  20. Successfully created column view
  21. Successfully removed filter
  22. Successfully removed schools for these users
  23. Successfully removed schools for users
  24. Successfully updated access filter
  25. Successfully updated column view
  26. Failed to create role
  27. Failed to set permissions
  28. Successfully created role
  29. Successfully deleted role
  30. Successfully set permissions
  31. Successfully updated role
  32. Failed to create school tags
  33. Failed to delete school tags
  34. Failed to update schools
  35. Successfully applied school tags
  36. Successfully created school tags
  37. Successfully deleted school tags
  38. Successfully updated schools
  39. Failed to add teachers to school
  40. Failed to remove teachers from school
  41. Successfully created timeframe
  42. Successfully deleted timeframes
  43. Successfully updated timeframes
  44. Failed to create users
  45. Failed to update user
  46. Successfully removed users
  47. Successfully created user
  48. Successfully created users
  49. Successfully updated user
  50. Successfully updated users relations to schools
  51. (Little SIS Premium) Created new roster sync job
  52. (Little SIS Premium) Edited guardian sync job
  53. (Little SIS Premium) Deleted guardian sync job
  54. These Actions contain additional details
    • Successfully added % co-teacher
    • Successfully added % student
    • Successfully archived classes
    • Successfully bulk Deleted classes
    • Successfully changed the primary teacher for % class
    • Successfully deleted classes
    • Successfully joined % class as a co-teacher
    • Successfully joined % class as a student
    • Successfully removed % co-teacher
    • Successfully removed % student
    • Invitation sent for student %
    • Invitation withdraw for student %
    • Successfully removed guardian
    • Failed to remove guardian
    • (Little SIS Premium) Created new roster sync job
    • (Little SIS Premium) Edited guardian sync job
    • (Little SIS Premium) Deleted guardian sync job
    • Successfully removed student from # classes


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/26/2024 Added animated GIFs, new details image
1.1 6/6/2024 Added remove bulk student from classes
1.2 7/15/2024 Reverified


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