Install Group Gator

Step 1: Install

  1. Install from Google Apps Marketplace using a domain super admin account.
  2. Click on Install.
  3. Group Gator requires your permission to start installing on your domain. Click Continue once prompted to install. Clicking continue does not install Group Gator on your domain. It merely takes you to the next step at which point you will be asked to accept permissions.
  4. Group Gator needs to be granted the right to access Google Services on behalf of your domain users. From the Turn on for drop-down, select the Organizational Unit (OU) to turn Group Gator on for.  Read more if you want to understand why each service scope is requested.
  5. Click Accept.
  6. Check the I Agree checkbox. Agreeing to Group Gator’s Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Google Apps Marketplace Terms of Service, along with clicking accept will install Group Gator on your domain.
    In the following example, the Teachers OU has been turned on.
  7. To complete installation, click Allow
  8. The screen shows an image demonstrating where Group Gator can be found on the interface as a Google Sheet Add-on once it is completely installed. Click Next.
  9. The final step in completing the installation process is completing the additional setup. Group Gator requires additional setup before users on your domain can start using it and it is recommended you complete the setup process now, rather than later. Click on Complete additional setup now
    Once you click this review and understand each permission Group Gator needs.  These scopes are identical to those requested earlier and are needed to grant the Group Gator admin web app permissions on the installing account.
  10. Click Allow.

Step 2: Add Group Gator for Users Client Id’s to the Trusted List of API Access

See Client IDs: Add Labs tools to the trusted list of API access for the full list of scopes.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/11/2024 Removed GAM abbreviation for marketplace, could be confusing
1.2 7/16/2024 Asked Andrea to reverify
1.3 2/6/2025 reverify


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