View Existing Scheduled Jobs

Viewing Existing Jobs

To see existing scheduled jobs, click the Go to Job list icon in the upper right corner of the navigation header. From the Your Sync Jobs page, you can view the name of the job, the CSV and Sheet files, the scheduled syncs, and the past and next sync. 


  • Active/Inactive indicator: The green button shows your device is online.
  • Run Sync: Starts the sync job immediately. A message will appear letting you know if the upload was successful.
  • Pause Job (toggle): Setting the toggle to the left preserves your automation settings but prevents it from running.

Editing Existing Jobs

To edit the existing Job, click on the three small buttons to the right of the green button. There are three options: Edit, Delete, and Clone.

  • Edit: This takes you to the Edit Sync Job stepper. Click the step to edit that step.
  • Delete: Removes the job from Local Hero completely. There is no way to recover a deleted job. To confirm the deletion, enter the job’s name in the space provided and click Confirm.
  • Clone: Creates a copy of the job. To edit the existing Job, click on the three small buttons to the right of the green button. There are three options: Edit, Delete, and Clone


Document VersionDateDescription of Change
1.09/26/2024Minor text edits, reverify, A. Frendo to review


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