How Do I Uninstall Group Gator?

Group Gator can be uninstalled in one of two ways, depending on whether it was installed domain-wide or on your own account. If you are unsure of which method was used to install Group Gator, we recommend trying option one first. 

Uninstalling Individual Install

  1. Open a Google Sheet.
  2. Navigate to Extensions > Add-ons > Manage add-ons
  3. On the Group Gator tile, click the ellipsis menu.
  4. Click Uninstall.
  5. Click Uninstall App.

Note: If you are not provided the option to remove Group Gator as described above, it has been installed domain-wide and can only be removed by a domain administrator. 

Uninstalling Domain Install

If you are a domain administrator and want to remove Group Gator:

  1. Login to the Admin console
  2. Navigate to the Apps list.
    Apps > Google Workspace Marketplace Apps > Apps list
  3. On the Domain Installed Apps tab, click on Group Gator to open its configuration.
  4. From this page, you can turn Group Gator on for everyone, off, on for some organizations, or completely remove the add-on. Click Uninstall App at the left.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/25/2024 Added image, reverify


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