Domain Level Reports

Gopher for Drive’s Domain level reports tab gives you access to the following reports:

  • Domain Usage: Generates a report of the amount of used storage for a select number of days for Drive, shared drives, photos, Gmail, and total usage.
  • Storage by User: Generates a report with a select amount of users (Max 100,000) as of a certain date who have more than x amount of storage.

    Note: The users presented are pulled alphabetically. So, running a report may not always generate the usage from the highest users.

Accessing Domain Level Reports

To access Gopher for Drive domain level reports:

  1. Open a new Google Sheet.
  2. In the top menu, go to Extensions > Gopher for Drive > Launch Sidebar.
  3. Click the Domain usage report tab.

Running the Domain Usage Report

  1. From the Gopher for Drive sidebar, be sure the Domain level reports tab is selected.
  2. Click Domain Usage Report.
  3. Enter the number of days to include in the report. For example, if you enter 7, the report will include usage information for the past 7 days.
  4. Select an option to replace or merge information in the report.
    • If Replace existing report is selected, the report will replace the values in the Domain Usage Report sheet with new data.
    • If Merge with existing report is selected, new information is appended to the end of the existing information.
  5. Click Load to Sheet.


Column Description

The amount of storage used as of that date

Drive usage in MB Total drive usage in megabytes for the entire tenant as of the date in Column A
Shared drive usage in MB The total size of all shared drives as of the date from Column A
Photos usage MB Total storage from as of the date from Column A
Gmail usage in MB Total storage coming from Gmail as of the date from Column A

Total usage in MB

Combination of the storage in Columns B - E in megabytes as of the date in Column A
Total usage: % Change The change of total usage from the previous date, represented as a percentage. If usage has decreased from the previous date, it will be shown as a negative percentage.


Running the Storage by User Report

  1. From the Gopher for Drive sidebar, be sure the Domain level reports tab is selected.
  2. Click Storage by User Report.
  3. Enter the number of users to include in the report. For example, if you enter 50, the report will include usage information of 50 users.

    Note: Merged information is appended to the end of the existing report. The users presented are pulled alphabetically. So, running a report may not always generate the usage from the highest users. 

  4. Enter a date to run the report or select a date from the calendar in the Choose a date field.
  5. Use the Find users field to narrow the report to a storage level. Only users with more than the selected amount of storage appear on the report. 
  6. Check the Include Directory metadata checkbox to include the following additional information for users: Org Unit Path, Suspended State, Date the user was created, Last Login, and First and Last Name.
  7. Click Load to Sheet.

Report Output:

The output is sorted by total usage with the highest usage being at the top. 

If you run a report and get “No data matches your query,” you may consider changing the date to at least 2 days before the current date.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 2/16/2024 Updated images to AES
1.1 7/22/2024 Removed duplicate text, reverify


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