Install Gopher for Chrome

Step 1: Confirm That Gopher for Chrome Is an Allowed App on Your Domain and That Your User Accounts Are Authorized to Install It

As a Google Workspace super admin, under Apps > Google Workspace Marketplace apps > Settings > Manage access to apps, confirm that users in your domain are allowed to install allowed apps from the Google Workspace Marketplace.

  1. Navigate to Manage access to apps, Apps > Google Workspace Marketplace apps > Settings.
  2. Verify that Allow users to install and run only selected apps from the Marketplace is selected.
  3. In the left navigation, click Apps list.
  4. Click the Allowlist App link at the top right of the page. The Add an app to the allowlist stepper opens
  5. Search for Gopher for Chrome.
  6. Click Select at the right of the app name
  7. Select Allow users to install this app and click Continue.
  8. Select who to allow list the app for; Everyone or Specific groups or organization units
  9. Click Finish.

Step 2: Add Gopher for Chrome Client Id’s to the Trusted List of API Access

See Client IDs: Add Labs tools to the trusted list of API access for the full list of scopes.

Step 3: Install the Sheets Addon From the Google Workspace Marketplace

  1. In Google Sheets, open a sheet.
  2. Navigate to Extensions > Add-ons > Get add-ons.
  3. Search for Gopher for Chrome.
  4. Click on the Gopher for Chrome tile.
  5. Select Individual Install.

Note: Domain administrators will see the Domain Install and Individual Install buttons. It is important that you do NOT install the Add-On domain-wide as it will appear for ALL users. Or, cut to the chase and install it directly from here.


Opening Gopher for Chrome

Once installed, you can open Gopher for Chrome from any Google Spreadsheet.

  1. In Google Sheets, open a sheet.
  2. Navigate to Extensions > Gopher for Chrome.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/24/2024 Updated image, reverify
1.1 2/6/2025 reverify


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