How Labs Tools Licensing Works

To access CDW Amplified for Education tools, you need a license. The different license states (trial, full, lapsed, and expired) govern each tool's features. Let'sLet's take a look at the access each license state provides.

Trial license

Trial licenses start with a quote and last 30 days. The date of your quote is the first day of your trial. With a trial license, there are some limits, and because each product is different, the limits are specific to each tool's functionality. The table below explains the access limit for each tool.

Note: If you have received a quote but cannot access a trial, contact your account manager to start the trial.


labs Tool

Access limits
Little SIS for Classroom No limits
Little SIS Premium
  • Can upload files (no limits)
  • Can add roster exceptions
  • Cannot perform the following manual Guardian actions:
    • Manually adding
    • Removals (withdraw invitation)
  • Allowed 1 Roster Sync Job
    • Can perform sync analysis with no execution
    • No automation available; manual only
  • Allowed to set up Guardian sync job
    • Can perform sync analysis with no execution
    • No automation available; manual only

Gopher for Chrome

Gopher for Chrome Premium

  • Access to all reports, when generated, populate additional tabs of data
  • Includes 10,000 metered actions, including bulk actions and manual device cache refresh
  • Device cache refreshes weekly
Gopher for Gmail
  • Includes 10,000 metered actions
Gopher for Groups
  • Includes 10,000 metered actions
  • Cannot perform bulk actions
  • Cache updated weekly
Gopher for Users
  • Includes 10,000 metered actions
  • User cache refreshes weekly
Group Gator
  • Includes 300 metered actions
    • Any triggered bulk update (Additions/Removals)
    • Any individual user added
Local Hero
  • 3 job limit
  • No automation of jobs, only manual
  • Includes 20 Metered actions
  • Event updates


Using the trial

After login, a notification lets you know you are in a trial state.g4c_trial_license_dialog.png
During the trial, when you initiate a metered action, a notification lets you know that you are about to use one of your available actions. You’ll need to confirm to continue.


Full license

With a full license, you have complete access to the tool and support for a 365-day subscription. A full license term begins the day after a trial license ends, no matter which day of your trial you purchase. As your license approaches renewal (30 days prior), you will see a renewal notification when you log in. If you reach the end of the subscription term without renewing, the license changes to a lapsed state.

Lapsed and Expired licenses

Renewing your subscription keeps it active, allowing you to continue to use the latest version of the tool. Tool licenses not renewed, enter a lapsed subscription state after the 365-day subscription term. Lapsed licenses work differently than expired licenses. While in a lapsed state, you still have limited use of the tool. A notification lets you know that your license lapsed and lets you initiate a renewal. After the lapsed period (90 days), your license expires, and your access to the tool is disabled.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 2/12/2024 trimmed AIT logo from image


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