Data Privacy Addendum - Gopher for Users

This privacy policy addendum outlines our approach to data storage for the Gopher for Users cache and reporting features.  Reporting features include: 

Per our general privacy policy, CDW Amplified for Education tools store a minimum of personal data and tool or service-specific data outside of the ownership of the user's Google Workspace account on which it is run.  Storing the minimum data required to provide our services remains an ongoing commitment for everything CDW Amplified for Education builds.

Gopher for Users offers the option of enabling rich, high-performance reporting features in Sheets and Google Looker Studio that require CDW Amplified for Education to store in an external cache the following fields from the Google Workspace user resource available via API:

  • customerId
  • cacheOwner (user email address)
  • domain
  • gaId  (Google Workspace user ID)
  • primaryEmail
  • orgUnitPath
  • orgUnitId (in org unit table)
  • parentOrgUnitPath (in org unit table)
  • parentOrgUnitId (in org unit table)
  • blockInheritance (in org unit table)
  • givenName
  • familyName
  • fullName
  • isAdmin
  • isDelegatedAdmin
  • lastLoginTime
  • creationTime
  • agreedToTerms
  • suspended
  • changePasswordAtNextLogin
  • ipWhitelisted
  • genderType
  • orgUnitPath
  • isMailboxSetup
  • isEnrolledIn2Sv
  • isEnforcedIn2Sv
  • includeInGlobalAddressList
  • thumbnailPhotoUrl

All cached data is block encrypted at rest, HTTPS encrypted in transit and secured via Google's auth protocols.

No personally identifiable dimensions of this data are used for commercial purposes or for any purpose other than to provide and/or improve the service itself.

A domain's cache can only be enabled and disabled by a super administrator. Super administrators who wish to remove data from CDW's cache may optionally do so when disabling the user cache. All cached data is backed up, and backups are retained for 7 days.

Within the Gopher for Users application, reports run against the Google Workspace user data in the cache can be instantiated by Google Workspace super administrators and API-delegated admins on the domain. Learn how to grant the required API access to allow delegated admins to utilize Gopher for Users.

Reports generated via the user cache are visible within Google Sheets and Google Looker Studio, both of which adhere to Google's access control model. Users can share them in a read-only format with select Google Workspace non-administrators and groups.

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/21/2024 Updated privacy policy link to CDW
1.1 8/15/2024 Checked for grammar, reverify - rewrites need to come from legal


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