Use the Little SIS Premium Getting Started Stepper

The Getting Started Stepper helps you set up your Little SIS Premium account. The stepper includes the following steps:

Step 1, Terms and Conditions
Step 2, Designate an Admin
Step 3, Domain Names
Step 4, Install Client and scopes list
Step 5, Set Timezone
Step 6, SFTP Credentials
Step 7, Next Steps

Let's get started with your setup.

Open the Getting Started Stepper

  1. Access Little SIS Premium.
  2. From Sync, go to the Getting Started stepper. 
    Administration > Getting started

Step 1, Terms and Conditions

By default, the stepper opens to Step 1. Here, you can access the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents.

  1. Click the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy links to review the documents.
  2. Click Authorize and proceed.
  3. Click Next to go to the next step.

Step 2, Set designated admin for domain

  1. Enter an email in the Designated Admin field. The account can be the same as used in Little SIS for Classroom. It can be a different account. But it must be a Super Admin on your Google Workspace domain and in an OU or Google Group with the Google Classroom Service turned on.
  2. Click Save
  3. Click Next to go to the next step.

Step 3, Domain Names

Here, you can add a list of domains for your user accounts. As you add and save domains, the user cash refreshes.

  1. Enter one domain per line in the available field.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Next to go to the next step.

Step 4, Install Client and Scopes List

If you are migrating from Little SIS Sync Agent, your Admin console is already set up with the scope and you will see this for step 4.

  1. Click Next to go to the next step.
  2. If you are new to Little SIS Premium, you'll need to add the scope for Little SIS Premium and you will see this for step 4. 
  3. From step 4 in the stepper, click GO TO ADMIN CONSOLE
  4. The Add new client ID opens with the necessary client ID. 112491376856516278882
  5. Click Authorize
  6. Click the browser tab to return to Little SIS Premium.
  7. Click VALIDATE INSTALLATION. After validation, you'll see this screen.
  8. Click Next to go to the next step.

Step 5, Set Timezone

Email notifications use the timezone you select for all dates and times.

  1. Select a timezone from the drop-down.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Next to go to the next step.

Step 6, SFTP Credentials

To keep source data consistent, you'll set up your SFTP from your SIS so that source data files update daily in the data mappings. 

  1. Enter the Host.
  2. Enter the Port.
  3. Enter the User
  4. Enter the Password.
  5. Click Next to go to the next step.

Step 7, Summary and Next Steps

This step lets you know that you have successfully configured your Little SIS Premium account and provides links to your next steps.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/7/2024 Earlier I thought the images were showing a reference icon. But now all looks great in view and edit modes.
1.1 6/6/2024 Removed step to transfer aliases, fields were removed
1.2 7/15/2024 Reverified
1.3 2/12/2024 Minor text updates, reverify


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