Withdraw Guardian Invitations

At times it may be necessary to withdraw a guardian invitation. For example, you discover the email address associated with a student is incorrect. You can withdraw individual or bulk invitations.

To withdraw guardian invitations:

  1. Access Little SIS for Classroom.
  2. Click the 9 box menu at the top left of the page.
  3. Click Sync.
  4. In the left navigation pane, click Guardians then Explorer.
  5. Toggle to Guardian explorer at the top of the page.
  6. Use the search at the top of the page or filter by the Status column to locate specific invitations.
  7. Check the checkbox for the invitations to withdraw. Select as many as necessary.

    Note: You can also select invitations by clicking on statuses in the Status column.

    Pro Tip: You can select guardians and then filter and select additional guardians. The Guardian Explorer maintains the selected rows between filter changes. Even if selected guardians are filtered out of view, the Withdraw X Selected invitations button shows the accurate count.

  8. Click Withdraw # Selected Invitations at the top of the page.

    Note: The invitation status represents the status as of the last guardian sync. If you are withdrawing invitations from unaccepted accounts, the withdrawal will happen even if the invitation is accepted after the last sync. There is an exception. If the invitation has a status change and is accepted from a different email account than the original, the invitation is not removed.


Note: When you withdraw an invitation, Google sends a notification to that email address.

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/22/2024 Added animated GIF
1.1 7/30/2024 Reverify


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