Classwork Analysis

A Reminder About Class Visibility and Features in Little SIS

Little SIS provides many powerful ways to explore the Google Classroom classes on your domain, but what you can see and do very much depends on what kind of user you are within Little SIS.

Super administrators can view ALL of the Google Classroom classes on a Google Workspace domain and have unlimited access to features within Little SIS. Learn about features specific to super admins

Users who are not super admins can be granted access to a limited set of classes within Little SIS. Depending on your role, you may also have only a limited set of features available to you. Learn more about permissions.

Little SIS keeps a live copy of data related to all classes (and their metadata like assignments, announcements, etc.) on your domain and makes these available for exploration and bulk actions via the Classroom Explorer.


The Classwork Analysis report is an interactive heat map that is broken down into three views:

  • By teacher: The total number of classwork items a teacher has assigned in any Classroom in the specified timeframe.
  • By course: The total number of classwork items assigned in that Classroom by any primary or co-teacher in the specified timeframe.
  • By school: The total number of classwork items assigned at that school for the specified time frame.






Timeframe filter

Pre-defined timeframes for academic years look like (YYYY-YYYY) and have a cutoff date that is defined by the Little SIS administrator. The timeframe filter gets applied to the created date for classes. Other timeframe options, including custom start dates and end dates, should allow you to narrow your view to meet any purpose.


Three-dot menu/Refresh

Refreshes Classroom data.


Filter options

The visible rows within the explorer can be filtered by a school, teacher, and created/last updated date. You can also toggle to show or display rows with no classwork.  


Sorting by column

Clicking a column header will sort the grid in ascending order by that column. Click the column header a second time to sort in descending order. 


Date columns

There is a column for each week in the selected timeframe. The column header date is the Monday date for each week.


Classwork counts

Each colored square represents the number of classwork assigned for a specific week.


What You’ll Learn

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

Accessing the Classwork Analysis Report

  1. Navigate to Insights > Classwork analysis from the menu on the left side of the screen.
  2. Select a report view; By teacher, By course, or By school.

Viewing Classwork Details

Once the report opens, you can use the green numbered square to view details about the classwork assigned in that week. Coursework is individual assignments.

  1. From the Classwork analysis, click on a colored square.
  2. When you are finished viewing, click Cancel.

Joining Classes as a Co-teacher or Student

While you are viewing Classwork details, you can join those classes as a co-teacher or student.

  1. From the Classwork analysis, click on a colored square.

  2. Click Join Classes. The Join classes stepper opens.

  3. Check the checkbox for the classes you want to join.

  4. Click Continue.
  5. Select either Co-teacher or Student.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Limit time of access lets you determine when you will be automatically removed from the class. Options include For 1 hour, For 1 Day, and Until. If Until is selected, you can specify the date and time your access expires.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. You can choose to notify the primary teacher that you have joined their class and you can customize the message.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. Review the changes that will be made.
  12. Click Join class/Join classes.

Going to an Assignment in Google Classroom

Once you have joined the class, or if you are already a member of the class, you can go directly to that assignment in Google Classroom to see further comments, submissions, and grades, etc.

  1. From the Classwork analysis, click on a colored square. 
  2. Click the Go to classwork item next to an assignment title.

    Note: This icon only appears for classes you have joined as a co-teacher or student.

  3. Google Classroom opens in a new tab. When finished, return to the Little SIS tab.
  4. Click Close to close the Classwork details.

Reviewing and Adding Teachers to Schools

While viewing the Classwork analysis report, you may discover you need to add teachers to school tags. 

  1. From the Classwork analysis, click the Review and add teachers to schools link at the top of the page.
  2. From Schools, right-click over the school Name/Code/Teachers/Students.
  3. Click Edit School. The Edit School pop-up opens.
  4. Make the necessary changes to the school. and 
  5. Click Save.
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