Roster Analysis

A Reminder About Class Visibility and Features in Little Sis

Little SIS provides many powerful ways to explore the Google Classroom classes on your domain, but what you can see and do very much depends on what kind of user you are within Little SIS.

Super administrators can view ALL of the Google Classroom classes on a Google Workspace domain and have unlimited access to features within Little SIS. Learn about features specific to super admins

Users who are not super admins can be granted access to a limited set of classes within Little SIS. Depending on your role, you may also have only a limited set of features available to you. Learn more about permissions.

Little SIS keeps a live copy of data related to all classes (and their metadata like assignments, announcements, etc.) on your domain and makes these available for exploration and bulk actions via the Classroom Explorer.


The Roster analysis provides a histogram that shows the number of classes by student count, and as a total.  Eliminating outliers like rosters with fewer than 1 or 2 students can provide a window into the actual adoption state, as adoption-reluctant teachers will often create classes that never actually get used with students.


# Setting Description
1 Timeframe filter Pre-defined timeframes for academic years look like (YYYY-YYYY) and have a cutoff date that is defined by the Little SIS administrator. The timeframe filter gets applied to the created date for classes. Other timeframe options, including the last 30, 90, 180 days, and All time let you narrow your view to meet any purpose.
2 Timeframe and Total Classes count Shows the start and end date for the selected timeframe and the total number of classes in that timeframe.
3 Roster Size Distribution Hover over a bin or bar in the diagram to see the number of students and number of classes for that bin/bar.
4 Roster Size

This is a legend for the number of students in the classes represented in the grid. By default, all roster sizes are shown. Click a size in the legend to hide it from the diagram. You can pick and choose sizes, no need for them to be sequential.

Use the legend to choose specific roster sizes to display in the diagram.

5 Hidden Shows which data, if any, is hidden from the diagram. When data is hidden, the roster size and number of classes with that size are displayed in the Hidden section. Click on a hidden roster size to return it to the diagram.
6 Roster slider

This slider appears below the diagram and represents the smallest to largest roster sizes. Dragging the slider from the left or right narrows the roster size included in the diagram. This lets you select a roster size range for the classes included. 

Use the slider to select a roster size range for the classes included in the diagram. You can still select rosters from the Hidden section to return them to the diagram.

What You Will Learn in This Article

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

Accessing the Roster Analysis

  • Navigate to Insights > Roster analysis from the menu on the left side of the screen.

Changing the Timeframe

  1. From the Roster analysis, click on the timeframe at the top-right. The timeframe popup opens.
  2. Select a timeframe at the top-left.
  3. Click OK. The diagram refreshes roster information for the new time frame.

Hiding/Showing a Roster Size From the Diagram

If you want to only show certain class sizes in the diagram, you can hide those you do not want to include. Maybe you want to show only classes with the largest and smallest rosters or maybe you want to hide classes with zero (0) students. 

  1. From the Roster analysis, in the Roster Size section, click on a roster size to hide it from the diagram. The hidden size appears in the Hidden section.
  2. In the Hidden section, click any roster size to unhide it in the diagram. When unhidden, the size will reappear in the Roster Size section. 

Narrowing the Diagram to Show a Range of Roster Sizes

Let’s say you want the diagram to show the upper, lower roster, or middle roster sizes. The roster slider below the diagram lets you narrow, from the lower and upper ranges, the roster sizes included in the diagram.

  1. Drag the left slider to the right to exclude smaller roster sizes.
  2. Drag the right slider to the left to exclude larger roster sizes.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/13/2024 Updated broken permissions link
1.1 3/26/2024 Added animated GIFs
1.2 8/13/2024 Reverified


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