Remove Co-teachers From One or Multiple Classes

A co-teacher is someone that can be added to a classroom to help coordinate class activities. 

Co-teachers can be removed via single class or bulk action. Once you initiate the single class or bulk action, the co-teacher removal stepper is the same. If you are an administrator who wants to join the class as a co-teacher or student, see Joining a class as a co-teacher or student.

Single Class: Removing a Co-teacher

To remove a co-teacher, start in the Explorer:

  1. Click Explorer in the navigation pane at the left.
  2. Use filters to search for the class you want to change.

    Pro Tip: If you know the course to remove a co-teacher, use the Course Name filter to find that course. 

  3. Right-click over the class.
  4. Click Teacher actions.
  5. Click Remove co-teachers.
    RemoveCoTeachers.gifThe Remove co-teachers stepper opens.

Bulk Classes: Removing a Co-teacher

To bulk remove a co-teacher, start in the Explorer:

  1. Click Explorer in the navigation pane at the left.
  2. Use filters to search for the classes you want to change.

    Pro Tip: If you know the course to remove a co-teacher, use the Course Name filter to find that course. 

  3. Select the classes by checking the checkboxes at the left.
  4. Click Teachers at the top left of the page.
  5. Click Remove co-teachers from # selected classes.
    The Remove co-teachers stepper opens.

Working With the Remove Co-teachers Stepper

In the Remove co-teachers stepper:

  1. Review the # selected classes:
    • Confirm classes you want to change by selecting the classes again. The select all checkbox is available at the top of the grid.
    • Click Continue.
  2. Select co-teacher(s):
    • Click on the person’s name.
    • Repeat for each co-teacher.
    • Click Select to move the name(s) to the Teachers to remove list.
    • Click Continue
  3. Primary teacher notification email:
    • If you want to notify the primary teacher that a co-teacher is removed, select the Send email to primary teacher checkbox. 
    • If necessary, add text in the editor on the left to customize the message. 
    • Click Continue.
  4. Summary and confirmation:
    • Click Proceed with co-teacher removal.
Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 2/15/2024 Updated titles to 'remove', these were add before edit
1.1 3/28/2024 Add animated GIF
1.2 7/20/2024 Reverify


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