Archive or Delete One or Multiple Classes

We recommend archiving the previous year's classes and deleting the previous year's declined and provisioned classes to organize better and declutter your explorer. You can change the classroom state on classes you've selected Little SIS to accomplish this. 
What happens to an archived class?

  • Archiving a class removes it from teachers’ and students’ Classroom homepage. The class moves to a separate area to preserve class materials, student work, and posts. 
  • Teachers and students can still view an archived class. To use the class again, the teacher can restore it.
  • Teachers and students can access class materials for an archived class within the Google Drive folder.
  • Students can’t unenroll from an archived class.
  • Google Calendar retains the class calendar for teachers and students. Users can remove the calendar from view or permanently delete it.
  • An archived class stays in Google Classroom unless the primary teacher deletes it. 

What happens to a deleted class?

  • Deleting a class removes it from Google Classroom. You can’t restore a deleted class.
  • Teachers and students can no longer access class posts or comments. Assignment grades are lost.

Timing of archiving and deleting classes

Because of what happens to classes, your archival or deletion timing is important. You don’t want to archive or delete classes still in session. The best time to archive classes is after teachers have finished submitting grades for the semester.

What You’ll Learn

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

You can also use Bulk Actions to archive bulk classes and delete bulk classes.

Archiving One or More Classes

To archive a single class or small set of ACTIVE classes:

  1. In the left menu, click Explorer.
  2. Filter the State column to include only ACTIVE classes.
  3. Select the class/classes you want to archive.
  4. Click Classrooms at the top right of the Explorer grid.
  5. Click Archive Selected classes.ArchiveClassesMultiple.gif
  6. Confirm classes you want to archive by selecting the class again.ConfirmArchive.png
  7. Click Continue.
  8. You can choose to notify the primary teacher that their class has been archived.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Review the changes that will be made.
  11. Click Proceed.

Deleting One or More Classes

Warning: There is no way to undo deleting a class. Proceed carefully when using this function.

To delete an individual class or small set of PROVISIONED or DECLINED classes:

  1. In the left menu, click Explorer.
  2. Filter the State column to include only PROVISIONED and DECLINED classes.
  3. Select the class/classes you want to delete.
  4. Click Classrooms at the top right of the Explorer grid.
  5. Click Delete Selected classes.DeleteClassesMultiple.gif
  6. Confirm classes you want to delete by selecting the class again.ArchiveConfirmClasses.png
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Review the changes that will be made.
  9. Click Proceed.
Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 2/14/2024 Removed references to 'individual' for bulk menu change
1.1 3/27/2024 Added animated GIFs
1.2 7/24/2024 Reverify


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