What You’ll Learn
In this article, you will learn:
What Is Gopher for Groups?
Gopher for Groups is a Google Groups settings management tool. It allows you to pull all of your Google Groups into one sheet and update the settings for those groups in bulk. This tool does not manage user membership.
Allow Listing the Add-on
If you are blocking Marketplace apps, you must update your settings to at least allow the apps on the allow list. You can change this setting in Apps > Marketplace Apps > Manage. See this article for further information.
Setting up Delegated Users
Non-Super Admins can use Gopher for Groups if they have the appropriate Admin Role assigned to them. Check out this article to learn how to set them up.
Install the Add-on
Once on the allow list, you can open up a new sheet and install Gopher for Groups by going to Extensions > Add-ons > Get Add-ons. Once the Google Workspace Marketplace window launches, search for Gopher for Chrome, then select Individual Install.
Loading Groups
You can load your groups to the sheet from the Admin console and taper the query by group email address, whether the group was admin-created or not, and direct member count. There is also a checkbox to include advanced group membership, which allows you to filter for more security risks. Checking this box will make the load time longer.
Permissions Break Down
After you load your groups to the sheet, a Help Guide tab will appear on the worksheet. Clicking on this will show you a breakdown of all permissions, what they mean, where you can change them outside our tool, and best practices for each setting.
Updating Group Settings
You can edit the permissions in the blue, pink, yellow, and green color-coded columns. To make the changes, you click the drop-down on the permission and change it to what you would like. You can also copy and paste if setting the same permissions on multiple groups. Once ready, click the Update tab on the sidebar and complete the stepper.
Filtering for Security Risks
We have built-in filters to show potential security risks based on Google’s recommendations. You can access those filters by clicking on the filter tab on the sidebar. To learn more about what each filter looks for, check out this Help Center Article.
The best way to reach support is to enter a support ticket through the Help Center. The direct Submit a ticket link, is available at the top of every Help Center page. You can also connect with our support team by emailing support@amplifiedit.cdw.com.
If you want to obtain a support contract or have questions, reach out to a Google Customer Support Specialist.
Learn more about the various ways we can help your team.
Document Version | Date | Description of Change |
1.0 | 2/12/2024 | Updated Images |
1.1 | 3/12/2024 | Redirected Help Center link to correct Section |
1.2 | 7/29/2024 | Minor text edits, reverify |
1.3 | 8/13/2024 | Reviewed and published after T.Groff edits, email issue |
1.4 | 8/14/2024 | Title change |
1.5 | 8/16/2024 | Added email content block |