Bulk Delete Classes

Warning: There is no way to undo deleting a class. Proceed carefully when using this function.

The Classroom Explorer lets you perform many bulk actions on classes. This lets you perform one action on many classes at once. One such bulk action is deleting classes. Bulk deletion of classes may be an appropriate action when:

  • You need to eliminate PROVISIONED or DECLINED classes from a prior year or semester before provisioning new classes. This is a recommended part of rollover procedures to avoid confusion for teachers.
  • There is a major error during the class provisioning process. For example, when a malformed or poorly-constructed alias has resulted in course duplication

To be bulk archived, classes must be in a PROVISIONED or DECLINED state. Bulk deletion of ACTIVE and ARCHIVED classes is not currently supported by Little SIS. The reasons are that:

  • It is safe to assume that teachers have used ACTIVE classes. The more appropriate administrative action is to bulk archive them.
  • Teachers frequently reuse assignments from ARCHIVED classes.

Note: Teachers can delete individual classes from the Classroom interface.

What Happens to a Deleted Class?

  • Deleting a class removes it from Google Classroom. You can’t restore a deleted class.
  • Teachers and students can no longer access class posts or comments. Assignment grades are lost.

Timing of Deleting Classes

Because of what happens to classes, the timing of your deletion is important. You don’t want to delete classes that are still in session. The best time to delete classes is after teachers have finished submitting grades for the semester.

To bulk delete classes:

  1. Click Explorer in the navigation pane at the left.
  2. Click Bulk Actions at the top of the Explorer grid.
  3. Click Delete classes. The Bulk classroom cleanup wizard opens.
  4. Required. Enter a date to find classes created on or before that date.
  5. Filtering by date may return a large number of classes. You can filter further by one or more of the following: classes created via LSP, classes from one or more schools or classes taught by a specific teacher.
    • Check the Limit to classes managed by Little SIS Premium checkbox to find only those classes.
    • Select a school from the drop-down to limit classes to only a specific school. You can select more than one school.
    • Type or paste emails for teachers to limit classes to those specific teachers. Type or paste each on a new line. Then click Validate to validate their email.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Confirm classes you want to delete by selecting the class.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. You can choose to notify the primary teacher that their class has been deleted and customize the message. Emails are sent by default. Deselect the checkbox if you do not want them sent.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. The wizard indicates the number of classes you are about to delete. Enter that number in the Number of classes to be deleted field.
  12. Click Delete.
Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 2/15 Title capitalization
1.1 3/27/2024 Added animated GIF
1.2 7/15 Reverified


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