Use Inclusion and Exclusion Rules to Define Job Scope

When setting up sync jobs, it's helpful to think of each job as a grouping of classes that fit a logical scope for your environment. For example:

  • Job 1: All classes at Evergreen Elementary school except homeroom.
  • Job 2: Only first-semester high school classes, without Student Assistant or Lunch period included.
  • Job 3: Only full-year high school classes, but without Independent Study included.

The job scope & rules step of the sync analysis is where you apply inclusion and exclusion logic. This is the same location you'll preview and adjust rules as needed.

Inclusion rules provide the outermost container of the universe of classes to include. Adding many inclusion rules increases the boundaries of the set. In the example below, all classes within the school with School ID AA have been included. This totals 14 classes. Exclusion rules can reduce the 14 further.


Adding multiple exclusion rules further reduces the number of classes in the job. In the example below, an exclusion rule to exclude classes containing the name Physical Education. This rule reduces the number of included classes from 224 to 203.

Adding an Inclusion Rule

To add an inclusion rule, do the following:

  1. From the Job scope & rules, Create or update classes in Google Classroom where any of the following are true block, click + ADD RULE.
  2. Select the Source Field for the rule.
    Note: As you enter rule criteria, the number of classes updates to reflect the classes that fit the rule.
  3. Select the criteria for the rule; equals, contains, is one of, starts with, ends with, does not equal, does not start with, does not contain, and is not one of.
  4. Enter a Value for the rule to match on. 
  5. Repeat if necessary to add additional rules. 

Adding an Exclusion Rule

To add exclusion rules, do the following:

Pro Tip: You must have at least one inclusion rule before creating any exclusion rules.

  1. From the Job scope & rules, Except where block, click + ADD RULE.
    Note: As you enter rule criteria, the number of classes updates to reflect the classes that fit the rule.
  2. Enter the Source Field for the rule.
  3. Select the criteria for the rule; equals, contains, is one of, starts with, ends with, does not equal, does not start with, does not contain, and is not one of.
  4. Enter a Value for the rule to match on. 
  5. Repeat if necessary to add additional rules.
  6. After adding all inclusion and exclusion rules, click Next to advance to Update preferences.
Document VersionDateDescription of Change
1.08/1/2024Added content blocks, reverified
1.111/12/2024Reverify to reset verify date


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