Introduction to Class and Roster Sync Jobs

The Little Sis Sync Premium is a powerful add-on to the Little SIS web app. It allows your team to transform existing classes in your SIS into new or existing courses in Google Classroom. You can also link up classes previously created by teachers. Little SIS Premium also allows you to automatically update class details and rosters and send guardian invitations as this information changes in your SIS system. Syncs can occur manually or on a schedule. Either way, syncs run as jobs.


Each Little SIS Premium class & roster sync job includes the following basic configuration settings and preferences:

  • Job name and description
  • The Windows path and file name of the CSV source(s).
  • Mappings between the source data and fields, including the class alias field.
  • Inclusion and exclusion rules that limit which classes in the SIS data get synced to Classroom.
  • Sync Preferences such as:
    • Whether to overwrite teacher-entered values for fields like Course name
    • Whether to add or remove students
    • Notifications to teachers
    • Thresholds for evaluating potential matches amongst teacher-created Classroom classes
  • Staging and sync automation preferences and sync schedule.

See Glossary of Terms and icons for explanations of job card icons.

Pro Tip:
  • You can set up multiple Little SIS Premium sync jobs. This practice creates separation between different segments of your school or district, creates separation between year-long and semester-long classes, and provides more control and visibility than if you had a single job for your whole domain.
  • If you use a single enrollments file for your entire district, you can clone sync jobs within the jobs list. Cloning preserves your configuration while letting you change class inclusion and exclusion rules.

Sync Job States and Automation

Sync jobs can exist in different states, and you can automate them to varying degrees. Let's take a closer look at sync states:

  • Awaiting analysis: You've created the job but have never run a sync analysis or have recently had a set of staged changes run. When you're ready, click the RUN SYNC ANALYSIS button. Clicking the button runs the analysis. When complete, the analysis is available for Review & Action. 
  • Analyzing: The job is currently analyzing changes for the next run. 
  • Analyzed, pending review: The job has evaluated all changes for the next run. You can set up your sync jobs to analyze manually or automatically. If you are using manual analysis, you just manually review and stage all settings. Depending on your automation settings:
    • The job can remain a manual-run-only
    • or be changed to analyzed automatically on a schedule and held for review and manual execution
    • or the job can be fully automated, and have changes stage and execute without approval.
  • In review: You are currently reviewing the analysis and approving/staging actions for a commit.
  • Committing staged actions: Once you have reviewed and staged all the actions you want to commit, it is time to commit them to Classroom. You are not required to stage/commit all changes identified in the analysis. For instance, you can partially review and push changes. For an automated sync job, the rest of the actions will auto-approve on the next sync run.

Timely Information in Little SIS Premium and Classroom 

When a sync job modifies classes or their rosters, the classes and their rosters are refreshed in Little SIS for Classroom so it is up to date.

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/22/2024 Updated Commit image
1.1 8/1/2024 Replaced image, reverify


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