Clear User Profiles

There are a few scenarios where clearing user profiles will come in handy:

  • By default, a Chromebook will remember multiple accounts or user profiles. However, there are times when a new student or group of students will be assigned a Chromebook, or you may get an error saying your Chromebook profile could not be opened correctly and it needs to be removed.
  • If you loaded devices from the cache, view the percentage of the storage on a device is being used in the Storage Used column and use this action to clean up the devices before you receive tickets on them.

The following steps will show how you can clear user profiles on multiple devices. You can only clear profile when loading from the admin console or via list.

To clear user profiles:

  1. Once the devices are loaded (via Admin console or list), click the Push Updates to Google tab of the sidebar.
  2. Select Clear user profiles. A stepper will guide you through clearing user profiles from the devices.
  3. The Clear devices option is selected by default.
  4. Click Next
  5. Check the I acknowledge and understand this action cannot be undone checkbox. 
  6. Click Next.
  7. Review the number of profiles to be cleared.
  8. Click CLEAR.
  9. To confirm you want to clear these devices, click GO AHEAD. Your sheet updates to show the clear action. 
  10. Click Done to close the stepper. 

Once completed, you'll be able to see the results in the Update Status column of the spreadsheet, as well as the Bulk Actions History Tab. You'll see the following response states:

  • Pending: The action was sent, but the device is not turned on. Once the device is turned on the action will complete.
  • Could not issue command: The request to clear the profile has already been sent before, and is still pending.
  • Success: Profiles have successfully been cleared. 
Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/15/2024 Reverified
1.1 11/25/2024 Minor edits and reverified


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