Edit the Teacher Review Welcome Message

When teachers log in to Teacher Review, you can opt for them to be greeted with a Welcome popup. By default, the popup is OFF. As an admin, you need to toggle the welcome ON and customize the message text. 

When toggled ON, here’s what teachers will see when they log in: 


To set up the Welcome message:

  1. Click Teacher Review in the left navigation bar. Teacher Review opens.
  2. Click Edit custom teacher review message in the top right corner.
  3. Set the Teacher Review Welcome Message toggle to the  ON (green) position. The toggle is located at the top of the popup. DisableTeacherReview.png
    Note: The notification on the Edit button lets you know that there is a sync job that is not using a custom welcome message. Meaning, the Teacher Review Welcome Message toggle is OFF. The notification disappears when the toggle changes to ON.
  4. Add your custom welcome message in the Enter your message box.
  5. Add the name and email for your admin or the help desk in the If you need support, please contact box. This Is who you want end users to contact to resolve any issues.
  6. To see how the message will look for your end-users. Click Preview.
  7. Click Save.
Document VersionDateDescription of Change
1.02/23/2024Updated case for 'custom teacher review message' - 
1.17/17/2024Replaced image, reverify
1.210/29/2024Removed extra space.


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