Bulk Clear Rosters

Video: Little SIS, Bulk Clear Rosters

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Clearing the roster or removing all students from an ARCHIVED Google Classroom can be done for various reasons depending on the specific situation and requirements. Removing the existing student roster from a Google Classroom to prepare for a new batch of students, removing student data from the classroom, remedying an incorrect roster, clearing an orphaned class, or preventing students from participating in unmonitored chat are all valid reasons to clear a roster. This bulk action removes all students from the classroom and resets it to its initial state.

What Happens When a Classroom Roster Is Cleared?

Clearing a roster from a Classroom:

  • Removes the students from the classroom
  • Removes student assignment submissions
  • Removes student data from the classroom
  • Adds a Classroom cleared roster entry in the Audit Log

Bulk Clear Rosters

  1. Click Explorer from the menu on the left side of the screen. Google Classroom Explorer opens.
  2. Click Bulk Actions at the top of the Explorer grid.
  3. Click Clear rosters. You don't need to select classes first; the stepper will find eligible classes and prompt you to select them.
    The Bulk classroom cleanup wizard opens.
  4. Required. Enter a date to find ARCHIVED classes created on or before that date.
  5. Filtering by date may return a large number of classes. You can filter further by one or more of the following: classes created via LSP, classes from one or more schools, or classes taught by a specific teacher.
    • Check the Limit to classes managed by Little SIS Premium checkbox to find only those classes.
    • Select a school from the drop-down to limit classes to only a specific school. You can select more than one school.
    • Type or paste emails for teachers to limit classes to those specific teachers. Type or paste each on a new line. Then click Validate to validate their email.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Confirm the classes you want to clear rosters by checking the class checkbox.
    Note: The stepper does include orphaned classes. These are classes that show Unknown Teacher. ClearRosterStep2.png
  8. Click Continue.
  9. In this step, you can opt not to send teachers notification emails by unchecking the Send an email to primary teacher checkbox.
    • If sending emails, you can use the default email or write an email here.
    • Enter a reply email, in the Enter a reply to email address field, if you want primary teachers to respond to notification emails. Note: If a teacher has multiple classes included in this bulk action, they will receive only one email. ClearRosterStep3.png
  10. Click Continue.
  11. The wizard indicates the number of classes you are about to clear rosters for. Enter that number in the Review and clear rosters field.
  12. Click Clear.

Audit Logs

Clearing rosters action is logged to the audit log. An action appears for each teacher whose classes you've cleared. So, if you clear rosters for three different teachers in one action, that action appears as three items in the Audit Log.

To view the audit log for cleared rosters:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Audit Logs.
  2. Filter if necessary.
  3. Hover over an item in the list.
  4. Click View More at the right. ClearRosterAuditLogArrow.png

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 6/23/2023 Original publish
1.1 3/7/2024 Removed extra period at the beginning of #5
1.2 3/27/2024 Added animated GIF
1.3 7/5/2024 Small Edits, reverified
1.4 11/5/2024 reverified to reset calendar - too many to verify in summer


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