Create Aggregate Domain Reports

Aggregate domain reports can be created or refreshed from the Gopher for Chrome sidebar. You can set all domain reports to refresh automatically once every 24 hours via the toggle. The exact time of the refresh is determined randomly based on the last auto-refresh time of your device cache. You'll find the timestamp in cell A1 of the relevant report tab.

Setting up auto-refreshing reports on a Sheet and sharing the Sheet can be a great way to provide dashboards to non-IT-admin stakeholders like principals, superintendents, and technology integrators to gain insight into how devices get used throughout the domain.

To generate aggregate domain reports:
  1. Open a new Google Sheet.
  2. In the top menu, go to Extensions > Gopher for Chrome > Launch Sidebar
  3. Once the sidebar loads, click Run reports.
  4. Click Aggregate.
  5. Select an arrow at the left of a report to select it for running: OU 15-day Activity, Chrome Version, Chrome Version by OU, Model/AUE, Model/Aue by OU, and Daily Activity by OU. Once selected, each arrow turns to a selected checkbox.
    See a description of each below
  6. Check the checkbox at the right of any report that is to refresh daily. 
  7. Click RUN # SELECTED REPORTS. A tab opens for each report you’ve selected.


Aggregate Reports Description

OU 15-day Activity report: Displays a snapshot of device utilization and policy sync activity in the last 15 calendar days across org units.

Pro Tip: The Avg Total Minutes Per Device in the Last 15 Days column is pulled from the Admin console and represents total active usage, including off-campus and on-campus.


Chrome Version report: Shows totals for each major and minor OS version running across the entire domain.


Chrome Version by OU: Provides the same information as the Chrome Version report, but broken out by org unit


Model/AUE report: Shows totals for each model and end-of-life date for all active and deprovisioned devices on the domain.


Model/AUE by OU: The same information as the Model/AUE report, but broken out by org unit.


Daily Activity by OU: Provides a day-by-day accounting of available devices, device utilization represented in average minutes per device, % of fleet utilized, and a count of devices not synced. This report will contain the most recent 15 calendar days when first run. When refreshed daily via the Refresh domain reports daily option, data for new calendar days will continue to be appended to the report so that it always contains the 90 most recent calendar days.  

Note: This report will purge any data over 90 days when refreshed to avoid overloading the Sheet.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 1/10/2024 Edits for clarity, verified article
1.1 5/6/2024 Added animated GIF
1.2 1/22/2024 Minor text updates, reverify


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