Run a User Activity Report

Sometimes, you may want to see all the devices that a domain user has recently accessed; 60-day or 100-sessions, whichever is reached first. This may be valuable for forensic purposes, where device damage or malicious network behavior may need to be traced to a particular user.

User activity reports can only be run on domain users, and will only be obtainable from the Google Admin console when Chrome device settings allow local data to be preserved.

Note: Because user activity reports must be tabulated across all Chrome devices on your domain, this report can take a long time to run. Please do not close the sidebar while it is running or you will interrupt the job.

To generate a user activity report:

  1. Open a new Google Sheet.
  2. In the top menu, go to Extensions > Gopher for Chrome > Launch Sidebar
  3. Once the sidebar loads, click Run reports.
  4. Click Single User.
  5. Enter the user’s email address.
  6. Click Run.

Note: If the user is not found, the following message appears in the User Email field. SingleUserReportNotFoundarrow.png 

Basic Subscribers

This report shows you a 60-day or 100-session history, whichever is reached first, of all devices that that user has logged into based on information stored in the Google Admin console. Because user logins are ordered, but not associated with timestamps in Google’s available data, Recentness of Use is used to represent how recently the user was logged onto the device. A 1 means that the user was the most recent user to log into the device.

Premium Subscribers  

You can see 60 days or 100 sessions, whichever is reached first, from both the Google Admin console and detailed session data provided by Gopher Buddy.


Document VersionDateDescription of Change
1.05/6/2024Added animated GIF
1.16/7/2024Added overview info for specific day/session limits


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