View Student Information in Student Explorer

In Student explorer, you can search for and view details for individual students. Once a student is selected, you can view tabs for Student details, Teachers, Classroom, and Classwork by a timeframe you choose.

Student Explorer Search

  1. From the Little SIS left menu, click Student explorer.
  2. Click Search.
  3. In the Student search, enter all or part of the students name. As you type little sis will show student's who match your search. studentEcplorerSearch.png
  4. Click on a student name to open their Student Details. studentEcplorerInviteGuardian.png
# Setting Description
1 Close all tab Each student you search for and select opens as a new tab. 
2 Student tab

For each student you search for and select a tab with their name appears at the top to the left of New student search. 

Click the x in a student tab to close that tab.

3 New student search Click this to return to the Student search. When you search and select another student, they appear in a new tab at the top to the left of New student search.
4 Timeframe

Pre-defined timeframes for academic years look like (YYYY-YYYY) and have a cutoff date that is defined by the Little SIS administrator. Other timeframe options, including the last 30, 90, and 180 days and All time, let you narrow your view to meet any purpose. You can also select a custom timeframe by using the calendars. 

See changing the timeframe below.


3-dot: Email student


3-dot: Refresh student data

To email a selected student, Click the 3-dots and then Email Student.

To refresh a selected student's information, Click the 3-dots and then Refresh student data.

6 Student details tab Displays Student Org Unit, Schools, Guardians, and Classwork summary. Using the 3-dot menu at the right, you can invite guardians.
7 Teachers tab Displays the following information for the student's teachers; Primary teacher profile, Academic year, Enrolled classrooms, View classwork.
8 Classroom tab Displays the following Classroom information for the student; State, Name, Section, Primary Teacher Profile, School, and Academic year.
9 Classwork tab Displays the following Classwork information for the student; Update Time, Title, State, grade/points, Late?, Turned In?, Due, and Course Name.

Changing the Timeframe

To change the information in Student explorer, you need to change the timeframe.

  1. Click in the timeframe at the top-right. The timeframe popup opens.
  2. Select a timeframe at the left or select a custom timeframe using the calendars.
  3. Click OK. The Student explorer will refresh to show information for the new time frame.


Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 7/22/2024 Minor text edit to Close all, reverify


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