Creating a Notification Email List

During setup, on the Settings page, you can to add a list of emails who will receive notification emails in addition to the Designated admin.

Note: Gemini licenses are included in the CDW for Education Licensing Tool.

Little SIS sends notifications, when there is an invalid or failed authorization, to emails listed in the Designated admin field and the Notification email list. Only the Designated admin receives notifications if the Notification email list is blank.

  1. Go to the Settings page: Administration > Settings
  2. In the Notification email list block, enter the necessary email addresses, separated by commas, in the Emails field.
  3. [Optional] Check the Disable email notifications checkbox to opt out of notification email. 
  4. Click Save.

Note: Audit logs show details for the notification email.

Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 1/19/2024 Original publish
1.1 3/7/2024 Added link to Getting Started stepper, added not for audit logs
1.2 3/13/2024 Changed screenshot and added step for opt out checkbox
1.3 3/25/2024 Added animated GIF


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