Create or Edit a Role

A Role is the set of permissions that you assign to a user in Little SIS for Classroom. You can apply a role to multiple users on the Accounts page. 

Creating a new role

Administration > Users > Roles

  1. Using the menu at the left side of the screen, navigate to Roles.
  2. Click on the Add role button in the top left-hand corner.
  3. Type in the Role label and Description (optional) that you want created.
  4. Check the appropriate permissions for that role. If needed, clicking on the permission will pop open a box with a description of the permission.
  5. Click Confirm.AddRole.gif

Editing an existing role

  1. To edit an existing role, right-click on the role and click Edit Role
  2. Update the Role label and Description if necessary.
  3. Update permissions by checking or unchecking permissions.
  4. Click Confirm
Document Version Date Description of Change
1.0 3/25/2024 Moved page navigation to below heading, removed duplicate steps, added animated GIFs
1.1 7/29/2024 Updated bolds, reverify


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